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Join us virtually to move forward with your district or school’s equity journey.
At the new 2025 Part I Virtual Overview, school leadership teams, district leadership teams, and regional and state agencies who are new to ICS and new staff/administrators from ICS partnership districts, will engage in an interactive, introductory training to:
Throughout the event, teams will have access to custom-designed digital modules to support their learning.
Part of what’s great about the 2025 Part I Overview is that it is held virtually! This allows teams to save on travel costs, which many districts use to send more team members, thus allowing for a robust team, representative of all staffing and leadership levels, to attend.
As co-hosts and facilitators, Dr. Colleen Capper and Dr. Elise Frattura bring a combined history of over 69 years of distance and adult learning experience to the 2025 Virtual Part I Overview. We rely on a facilitative learning process where whole group, small group, and individual learning needs are centered, allowing for deep learning, inquiry, critical reflection, and collaboration.
We invite individual educators, school leadership teams, district leadership teams, and regional and state agencies that are new to ICS. It is also highly recommended for current ICS partnership districts with new staff and new administrators.
If you’re not sure if this opportunity is right for you and your team/organization, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at for more information.
Can I attend without a team?
The 2025 Part I Virtual Overview builds the “collaborative equity capacity” of the entire organization through team implementation. The Overview relies on intentional teams to learn about the Framework and Process to learn how to bring the ICS Framework and Process to their setting.
An individual or two from an organization may attend the Institute to learn about the work to be able to invite teams from their setting to attend in future.
Will you provide an equity workshop for our event?
Moving beyond piecemeal equity efforts, the ICS Equity Framework and Process advances equity systems change–from a deficit to a proactive system.
ICS is not an initiative, a model, or a workshop. The ICS Four Cornerstone Framework and Process forms the core and provides a framework for all of the organization’s work.
We can provide a one-half day overview of the ICS Framework and Process for districts as a way to introduce the work.
We also provide custom professional development for organizations who have completed an ICS Institute previously, in order to deepen the work.