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I have read Part I School Digital Module 1: The History of Educational Marginalization and completed the resonates and pauses.
2. I have heard and discussed the history of educational marginalization.
3. I have discussed the impact of stereotype threats and lifts and how they connect to our current structures.
4. I have drawn our current educational structure and analyzed what is proactive and reactive as well as how students and staff experience such an educational structure.
4b. I have uploaded a photo of our drawing and our analysis.
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This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it will be reviewed and possibly adjusted after submission.
5. I understand the history of blaming and labeling students and families has been perpetuated for over 400 years and how it continues as part of their educational structures today.
7. I have reviewed additional resources specific to the history of educational marginalization.
7b. I have uploaded a list of movies, podcast, books that I have watched, listened to, or read.
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This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it will be reviewed and possibly adjusted after submission.
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