October 2024 Newsletter
The Power of Heterogeneous Grouping in Education
Heterogeneous grouping in education is a teaching method in which students with different academic abilities learn together in the same classroom, in courses, and in small groups. This approach aims to break away from the traditional practice of ability grouping, which often leads to social and academic inequities. By promoting collaboration and diverse perspectives, heterogeneous grouping in the classroom enhances academic outcomes and social and emotional development. It helps all students feel valued, creates a sense of belonging, and fosters empathy.
The benefits of heterogeneous grouping are significant. When students of varying abilities work together, they engage in deeper learning and critical thinking. All students gain leadership and teaching skills and benefit from peer support.
Heterogenous grouping in classrooms and courses first requires that students be proportionally represented (by disability status, ELL status, and gifted/advanced learner status) across grade-level sections. To implement classroom-level heterogeneous grouping successfully, schools and teachers need to adopt flexible and innovative strategies that meet the needs of all learners. If done effectively, this method can bridge the gap between different student groups and promote equity in education. To learn more about the benefits and best practices for heterogeneous grouping, read our full blog.
Last Chance to Register for our New 2-Day ICS Part I Virtual Overview
October 22 – 23, 2024 virtually from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CDT each day
At the new 2024 Part I Virtual Overview, school leadership teams, district leadership teams, and regional and state agencies who are new to ICS and new staff/administrators from ICS partnership districts will engage in an interactive, introductory training to:
- Understand the ICS Framework and Process and explore how it can be leveraged in your setting;
- Gain a deeper understanding of what high-quality teaching and learning is and is not;
- Engage in plentiful team time to dive into an analysis of high-quality teaching and learning in your setting;
- Learn how you can facilitate the implementation of the ICS Framework and Process in your setting.
Teams can access custom-designed digital modules throughout the event to support their learning.
ICS School Board Academy
When ICS partners with a school district, we encourage school board members to attend the Integrated Comprehensive Systems for Equity Overview and ICS Institute Part I. We also provide the ICS School Board Academy. The purpose of the ICS School Board Academy is to:
- Learn about the school district’s equity efforts via the ICS Framework and Process.
- Learn about the School Board’s support and accountability role.
- Learn how the ICS Framework and Process can inform board decision-making, analysis of current district policies, and policy-making.
Get all your board stakeholders involved with the ICS School Board Academy.
Interested in learning more? Email Colleen at ccapper@icsequity.org.
Announcing Two New Dates for Urban Collaborative Partnership
Jan. 30 and Feb. 7
ICS is proud to announce two new dates for our partnership with the Urban Collaborative. The Urban Collaborative is a national network of more than 100 school districts in 27 states. These leaders are committed to increasing effective and inclusive special education services. They are also focused on decreasing the disproportionality of culturally and linguistically diverse student populations in classification rates, separate educational environments and disciplinary actions. Members of our professional learning community learn from and support each other to achieve these goals in 27 states.
All participants will be provided complimentary individual access to customized ICS Digital Modules. In addition, we will lead the group through a Mini Equity Audit, analysis of their educational structures and learn about the design and implementation of C3 Teams™.
Learn more about the Urban Collaborative and register now!