Public School Funding Issues: Deficit-Based Systems Are Costly
Staffing and program reviews can be crucial components in the conversation about public school funding. However, one of the most critical school funding issues in many schools today includes the continued reliance on deficit-based educational policies and practices. Deficit-based policies and practices not only perpetuate inequities but also result in soaring costs that burden the system while failing to improve outcomes for the majority of students. Deficit-based policies and practices are the most expensive and least effective ways to provide education.
In contrast, assets-based education policies and practices provide a more inclusive, academically effective, AND cost-effective solution. Let’s explore why funding a deficit-based public school system is costly and counterproductive and how an assets-based approach could offer a more sustainable alternative.
2025 WSRA Conference
February 6-7, 2025 | Baird Center in Milwaukee
Join ICS for the 2025 WSRA Conference for an energetic gathering of educators, leaders, and experts in the field of literacy and education. Dr. Elise Frattura and Mr. Nasif Rogers will be presenting two sessions:
- Unveiling the Intersection: Exploring Educational Marginalization Through the Lens of Reading Science in K-12 Schools
- Leading Change: Integrating SOR Policy for Equity in K-12 Schools
The Wisconsin State Reading Association provides leadership, advocacy, and professional learning for implementing effective literacy practices.
The conference program is now available online on the WSRA conference website and can provide you with further information about the speakers, breakout sessions, and other pertinent information.
Hire ICS as the Keynote Speaker for Your Next Event
ICS provides a customized presentation for any organization seeking a high-energy and inspirational keynote. Our keynotes spotlight steps within the ICS Framework and Process and how the ICS systems change approach can advance the organization’s mission and goals.
The ICS Keynote presentations are utilized to raise interest and build momentum, energy, and enthusiasm by understanding the historical significance of marginalization and how this historical marginalization impacts our organizational policies and practices. Our keynotes also describe proactive steps to advance equity systems change in the entire organization.
We begin our keynote preparation with a conversation with the organization to learn about the organization’s mission and goals and how the keynote can advance the organization’s mission and vision. We learn any unique aspects of the organization’s context that we must consider when developing the keynote with the most significant positive impact.
Interested in learning more? Email Colleen at
ICS Digs into Equity Audits in Upcoming Book
ICS is thrilled to be contributing to the third edition of the book Leadership for Increasingly Diverse Schools.
Our chapter is about the pitfalls and promises of equity audits. Though increasingly popular, educational equity audits may not be the panacea for equity change. In fact, without careful consideration, equity audits can become just another equity practice that, in the end, can perpetuate inequities. The chapter provides guidance on evaluating and determining which equity audit tools and processes will ensure that equity will be advanced and that the tools and processes we select will not inadvertently perpetuate inequities. We must recognize possible negative side effects of equity audits and, in so doing, endeavor to avoid these equity audit traps when effectively implementing equity audits.
We will update you when the newest edition is available for sale. In the meantime, see the 2nd edition.
New Dates Announced for Urban Collaborative Event
Jan. 30 and Feb. 7
It’s not too late to register for our partnership with the Urban Collaborative. The Urban Collaborative is a national network of more than 100 school districts in 27 states. These leaders are committed to increasing effective and inclusive special education services. They are also focused on decreasing the disproportionality of culturally and linguistically diverse student populations in classification rates, separate educational environments, and disciplinary actions. Members of our professional learning community learn from and support each other to achieve these goals in 27 states.
Featuring Speakers from the Urban Collaborative Member District and ICS Partner District
Racine Unified School District:
Dara Atandare, RUSD Deputy Chief of Equity, Access & Inclusion
Kathryn Janusiak, RUSD ICS Equity Coordinator
All participants will be provided complimentary individual access to customized ICS Digital Modules. In addition, we will lead the group through a Mini Equity Audit, analysis of their educational structures, and learn about the design and implementation of C3 Teams™.
Learn more about the Urban Collaborative and register now!