March 2024 ICS Newsletter
We Have Not Given Up on Education!
Educational systems are broken, student outcomes have stagnated or worsened, educators feel overwhelmed and defeated, and children and families continue to experience marginalization and educational harm.
Yet, we know that educators, children, and families have not given up on the promise of education.
Our mission at ICS is to help district and school leaders initiate and sustain systems change for high-quality teaching and learning for all students.
That’s why we encourage moving away from piecemeal equity efforts and school improvement work, which leads to more frustration and the same results.
We know equity systems change is possible with the right approach. In fact, we have designed a step-by-step process backed by research and implementation science that gets results at schools just like yours.
Join us virtually, July 30 – August 1 at the 2024 Introduction to the ICS Equity Framework and Process to move forward with your district or school’s equity journey.
P.S. If you register before April 1, you save $95 per person!
ICS to Facilitate Equity Conversation at California Institute
ICS is thrilled to be invited to lead two sessions at an upcoming conference hosted by the California MTSS Professional Learning Institute on July 16-18, 2024, in Anaheim, California. Here is a preview of what they will be sharing:
Session One: Our Children are Not Broken, But the System Is: Equity Audit Data as a Reflection of Our System
In this session, Dr. Elise Frattura and Nasif Rogers link the ICS Equity Audit with the schools’/districts’ current structures of educating students. To do so, they will engage in an interactive understanding of the history of public education marginalization, and participants will draw their current educational structures, identifying what is proactive and reactive with the structures and how their equity data aligns with their structures. Frattura and Rogers will share examples of districts’ current structures paired with their equity audit data. Participants will be able to take these activities and examples of their educational structures and how their district/school data is related to their current structures back to their own schools and districts for immediate application.
Session Two: Against Piecemeal Work for System Change: The Equity Audit as an Accountability Tool
In this session, Frattura and Rogers will engage participants with an in-depth analysis of the features and structures of the ICS Equity Audit and how to use the ICS Equity Audit as an annual tool for accountability and systems change. Participants will be able to take back to their districts a systemic/equity lens for their data analysis and the linkage of achievement data to proportional representation data as a means to fix systems instead of students.
ICS News:
ICS is Proud to Partner with WASDA
ICS is proud to be partnering with the Wisconsin Association for School District Administrators (WASDA) to deliver our High-Quality Teaching and Learning Academy for District Leadership Teams. ICS custom-designed the virtual monthly morning academy, which takes place throughout the academic year. The program includes customized ICS Digital Modules designed exclusively for Academy participants and features district leadership teams from across Wisconsin, who are guest speakers at each session to describe how they have successfully implemented each step of the ICS Equity Framework and Process district-wide and to share their resulting positive data outcomes.
Are you a part of a national or state professional association for superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, or special education directors? Contact to start a conversation about a potential partnership and to review an outline of our leadership training program.